Appendix I: Taking Darwin out of Context

Because of certain criticisms that will inevitably come up concerning The Darwin Papers something needs to be said concerning a common evolutionist mantra leveled against those who don't adhere to the philosophy of evolution and who find fault with what Darwin wrote, which is the oft heard expression that creationists are "taking Darwin out of context" when they criticise him and his theory.
This charge is also leveled by evolutionists against those who point out some of their own self-contradictary quotes as evidence that the theory that they are propounding is inadequate by their own testimony.
Let me point out, it is one thing to make this charge, which is quite often done by evolutionists, however it is quite another thing to prove this after making the accusation.
I find this tactic not unlike the sore loser at a board game of monopoly or cards who, finding out that the other player or players have all the hotels and houses and he is out of money and has only one roll of the dice left, then accuses the winner of not playing fair and in turn storms out of the house, perhaps with the game if he is the unhappy owner of it.
Again, it is like the spoiled sport who owns the ball on a playground and doesn't like the way the game is going, so he grabs the ball and runs home with it to end his frustration.  "Victory!" he cries when he gets home, albeit a hollow one at that.
Let me say that to take somebody's words out of context usually means to twist their words by parcelling out snippets of a few half finished sentences in order to misrepresent the original intent of the author.
It is significant to note that the more extensive the documentation the harder it is to take someone's words out of context and to make that charge as well, hence the utter failure of evolutionists to follow up on their common accusation.
That this was not done in The Darwin Papers is clearly shown by the extensive documentation and quotes from Darwin's own writings, from his Origin and from his Descent of Man
Darwin clearly admitted he had no proof for evolution; he clearly advocated genocide-there is no way around it; and I have quoted other historians and authors who have concurred with this, and it is the evolutionists themselves who have to take Darwin's words out of context in order to defend him.
I merely felt that this should be written because this is a common tactic of evolutionists and ardent Darwin devotees and needed to be addressed.

James M. Foard