Inspirational Readings for Your Daily Walk with God:

Christian Mediation

 "These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so." Acts 17:11

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15

The Story of

Patriarchs and Prophets

As Illustrated in the Lives of Holy Men of Old:
The Beginning of the Bible Story

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1. Why was Sin Permitted? 
 2. The Creation 
 3. The Temptation and Fall. 
 4. The Plan of Redemption 
 5. Cain and Abel Tested 
 6. Seth and Enoch 
 7. The Flood. 
 8. After the Flood.
 9. The Literal Week
10. The Tower of Babel
11. The Call of Abraham.
12. Abraham in Canaan.
13. The Test of Faith.
14. Destruction of Sodom
15. The Marriage of Isaac.
16. Jacob and Esau
17. Jacob's Flight and Exile
18. The Night of Wrestling
19. The Return to Canaan
20. Joseph in Egypt.
21. Joseph and His Brothers.
22. Moses.
23. The Plagues of Egypt
24. The Passover
25. The Exodus
26. From the Red Sea to Sinai.
27. The Law Given to Israel.
28. Idolatry at Sinai.
29. Satan's Enmity Against the Law
30. The Tabernacle and Its Services.
31. The Sin of Nadab and Abihu
32. The Law and the Covenants.
33. From Sinai to Kadesh
34. The Twelve Spies
35. The Rebellion of Korah
36. In the Wilderness.
37. The Smitten Rock
38. The Journey Around Edom.
39. The Conquest of Bashan
40. Balaam
41. Apostasy at the Jordan
42. The Law Repeated
43. The Death of Moses
44. Crossing the Jordan.
45. The Fall of Jericho.
46. The Blessings and the Curses
47. League With the Gibeonites
48. The Division of Canaan
49. The Last Words of Joshua
50. Tithes and Offerings
51. God's Care for the Poor.
52. The Annual Feasts.
53. The Earlier Judges
54. Samson
55. The Child Samuel
56. Eli and His Sons
57. The Ark Taken by the Philistines
58. The Schools of the Prophets.
59. The First King of Israel
60. The Presumption of Saul.
61. Saul Rejected.
62. The Anointing of David
63. David and Goliath.
64. David a Fugitive
65. The Magnanimity of David
66. The Death of Saul.
67. Ancient and Modern Sorcery
68. David at Ziklag.
69. David Called to the Throne
70. The Reign of David
71. David's Sin and Repentance
72. The Rebellion of Absalom
73. The Last Years of David.